Can Technology Really Improve Your Mental Health?

Can Technology Really Improve Your Mental Health?

We are living in a curious time in regards to our appreciation of modern technology. When computers, mobile phones, and televisions were first invented they brought about a new age for humanity. The digital age. And the advent of the internet connected humanity unlike ever before. Removing one of the stages of separation. Every new innovation was met with applause and fervent consumeristic demand.

But as technology advanced so did our understanding of mental health. Previously mental illness was only understood in the most basic of terms. And we had no idea of the impact that technology was having on our brain chemistry. Now we know that mental health is as much a physical illness as it is a psychological one. We know that our lifestyle choices play a key role in maintaining our brain’s health. And that includes how we use technology.

Over the last decade we have started to see a lot of studies published that show a direct correlation between technology usage and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Insomnia too has been shown to be exacerbated by looking at screens too often. Social media especially has been shown to be highly addictive and harmful when not used in moderation. It has almost become trendy to espouse the dangers of an over reliance on technology. But can technology actually be used to improve your mental health?

Improved Therapy Resources

Therapy used to be seen as something only needed for those suffering from extreme mental illness. It was considered taboo to be receiving therapy regularly. Nowadays we have accepted that everyone can benefit from regular therapy sessions. In the same way that our bodies are fortified by regular physical exercise.

Modern technology has vastly improved therapy accessibility. Not everyone has the time or the money to attend regular in-person sessions. But this is no longer an issue. We have seen a number of digital therapy apps pop up over the last few years. People can connect with therapists online and schedule regular video call sessions. Not only that but there are also services offering instant messaging support as well. Removing the need to arrange a session ahead of time.

There are also a number of crisis charities that now offer instant digital support sessions for anyone in need. This has proven to be extremely useful for young people who might be stuck in a hostile family environment. They can seek out professional support without alerting their parents.

Gaming And Mental Health

Video games are one of the most hotly debated technologies in regards to their connections to mental health issues. On one side of the argument you have experts claiming that video games are addictive and can lead to depression, anxiety, irritability, and a number of other issues. While some experts claim that video games are a great tool for combatting issues such as PTSD, stress, and can actually improve players’ moods.

The truth is that both sides of the argument are correct. Like anything, video games do have a lot of potential to help people when used properly and in moderation. There have been numerous studies showing that video games can help lessen the symptoms of dementia. Free games like this spider solitaire game from Arkadium have been shown to help improve cognitive reasoning and spatial awareness. One study proved that the 3D Mario games can help the older generations by immersing them in what is called a novel environment.

And even at the most basic level video games offer an escape from the world. There is no denying that things are tough for everyone at the moment. Many nations are facing a cost of living crisis. Paired with the growing political instability across the globe and the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic still being felt. People need something to help them relax and unwind after a long day of work.

Video games can easily provide that escape. Allowing players to transport themselves into different worlds and situations. And studies have shown that playing games does have a positive impact on our mental health when done in moderation. Video games are also an extremely social endeavor too. During the pandemic lockdowns we saw the gaming community expand massively as people used the various digital worlds to emulate the social experiences they couldn’t enjoy anymore.

We have only briefly touched on the subject today but our main conclusion is that technology can improve your mental health. The important thing to remember is that technology is a tool. It is only as useful as you make it. So you need to do your own research into how best to utilize technology to help you.

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